So let's leave that behind and focus on the series with the Atlanta Braves.
Last night was an evening of surprises. Brad Hawpe, who has been doing a lot of extra side work, finally woke up his bat at the plate last night. Ryan Ludwick also did his part by smacking out 2 home-runs in the game- the last in the 13th inning won the game for the Padres 5-2. Both had good success against the Atlanta pitcher Lowe in the past and they took advantage of it last night.
I mentioned here before that I am a firm believer- whether anyone wants to suggest I am insane or not- that stability in the batting order and consecutive days played helps batters stay locked in.

Brad Hawpe, as we all know, does not look like the guy we saw batting in runners when he played against us with the Colorado Rockies. But he has been in the line-up for a few days straight now and I have a gut feeling that he needed that to really get into a good groove.
Yes he wasn't stellar last night but at least he got a few good hits. With the extra work and perhaps staying consistently in the line-up I think there is a good chance that last night was just not a fluke.
The same with Ryan Ludwick. the key for him was making friends with petco park. Time and time again he would hit balls that in any other park would be homeruns. Last night I think he found out just how he needs to hit them- and where to get them out of the park and out of the reach of the opposing team's outfielder's.

So we had a line-up that worked again last night- and lo and behold, it is totally changed around again today.
Last night Will Venable who was 0-3 with a walk is batting 2nd tonight! I am sure there is some method to the madness with Buddy Black but it makes no sense to me since Venable has been either struck out or grounds out weakly to the infield.
Brad Hawpe is batting 7th. Hopefully he will do well again tonight but his efforts may be wasted at the bottom of the order.
I would have batted the guy 2nd today.
Yes you read that right- 2nd. When Brad Hawpe is locked in he tends to hit a lot of timely base hits or long sac flies which is exactly what you want the number 2 batter to do.

So tonight we will see what yet another new improved line-up does for the Padres.
Maybe it will be alright but I still say they need a bit more stability on the daily batting order.
Tonight Atlanta's line-up barely is changed with the exception of the pitcher and another player. All the primaries are in their regular spots in their line up positions for Atlanta.
I keep having people tell me that the constant juggling of the line up doesn't matter.
"Remember Buddy Black was manager of the year last year" and "Well he switched it a lot last year too" is what I hear but that was a different team of guys. Most of the players this year are new to the Padres and it seems to me that the more a player gets locked into a certain role the better he is.
Look at it logically.
You want a lead off guy that can either draw a walk or get a single- either way you need him to get on base. You hopefully but a guy with speed in there, like Cameron Maybin, that can steal a base. Your #2 batter should be proficient moving the runner.
A guy like Hawpe who can hit long fly balls to the warning track is perfect for that. You want someone there that does not strike out a lot (I know Hawpe has but he has been just as frustrated as the fans).

Again the role is not to hit it out of the park but to get a single or double to advance the runner to 3rd or home. The cleanup hitter does just that and has the power of Ryan Ludwick or Nick Hundley to get everyone home.
Each position in the batting order has it's own unique role that should combine into a great team effort.
But if a player is batting 7th one day, second the next and then 5th on another day how can he get locked into the specific role he is to play at bat? How can a player be blamed for a slump if they are not given the daily opportunity to stay in a regular position in the batting order to truly lock in and perfect their role as part of the over all team.
Yes I know switching around is sometimes needed but this daily mixing and matching of the lineup isn't giving guys the chance to really become adapted and thereby become better and more effective batters at the plate.
Argue the point if you like but I really believe that has been the problem this year so far- the lack of a stable batting order and the chance for players like Brad Hawpe and Orlando Hudson, who is tailor made for being a regular #3 batter in my opinion, to lock into a role in the order.
I will be rooting for Brad Hawpe and Ryan Ludwick tonight come what may. these guys have to feel the fans are behind them and I think that will make all the difference in the world along with a stable batting order from day to day.
Tonight's game against the Atlanta Braves starts at 7:05 pm PT